Samoa – Earth Day is for real
Samoa is an island nation deep into the Pacific ocean. The nearest large land mass countries like New Zealand and Australia lie more than 3000 kms away. Samoa is part of SIDS (Small Islands Developing Nations) group , which also includes other Pacific island nations like Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu.
SIDS mostly have a small geographical area, are made up of multiple islands or atolls, limited population and generally lie far away from large continental landmass. They are rich in natural resources, landscape, forests, flora and fauna, and also home to a variety of endemic species
Samoa has an area of just about 3000 sq kms, but boasts of enchanting natural landscape and incredible flora and fauna. Samoa proudly celebrates its natural beauty through it’s colourful banknotes

The 20 Tala bright yellow and orange note depicts a cascading waterfall the Sopoaga falls on its front. The reverse shows it’s national flower, the Teuila and the national bird Manumea. Incidentally is endemic to Samoa and is listed as endangered species.
Sadly , hidden behind this vibrant nature, is a story of natural calamity and challenges to existence. Climate change have resulted into rising sea levels and loss of coral reefs due to ocean warming. Coral reefs are natural barriers to high rise waves and cyclones and their loss makes Samoa vulnerable to erosion of coast and a possible sinking if the current rate of climate change is not arrested in time
Samoan government is actively advocating international action against climate change and spreading awareness in various ways
An innovative example of spreading awareness is demonstrated by release of special commemorative 10 Tala banknote by Central Bank of Samoa on the occasion of XVI Pacific Games. This is the first known Carbon Neutral banknote. As per De La Rue, the designer and manufacturer , for this banknote, the carbon impact of both the materials and manufacturing process have been calculated and offset by supporting a high-quality power generation project in Indonesia

The Earth Day 2023 theme is “Invest in our Planet”. The examples of countries like Samoa and many more who face real threat of existence due to climate change, should encourage everyone to take climate change seriously